Prime Land for Sale
- Property Type : Land
- Barbados
- St. Thomas
Visit the add listing page from the top of page by clicking the “Add Listing” button and fill in the add-listing form. A new listing will be created in the backend of your website. Fill in the form with the necessary information. Once you are done filling in the form, click the publish button to publish the listing.
Visit the registration page from the top of page by clicking the “Sign up” link and fill in the “Sign up” form with the relevant information.
After you’ve logged into the website visit the “My Account” page from the top of the page by selecting “My Account”. Scroll down and click the bottom on the left called “Submit Listings”. Afterwards select your desired listing which will be followed by the “add-listing” form which you will add the relevant information.
When you Select “My Account” from the top of the website you will be greeted to your account’s profile page. This is where you will have access to your all your listings. Which you can filter from Published, Pending and Expired listings.
From here you also able to edit, renew or delete your listings by selecting “Edit” or clicking “More” and then selecting either “Renew” or “Delete Listing” which can be found on the right side of each listing.